Services & support - Australasian Academy of Higher Education

Services & Support

AAHE aims to provide an excellent student experience, both within and outside the classroom. Our Student Support Framework (see explains how we support students outside the classroom to increase their likelihood of remaining engaged and achieving their educational goals.

Student orientation

An Orientation program is organised for new students to familiarise themselves with the campus and AAHE’s courses and services. It is compulsory for international students to attend Orientation in order to comply with Australia’s student visa conditions.

Student support services

All AAHE students are offered a range of support services to assist them with living and studying in Australia. In addition to our teaching staff who make themselves available outside of class times, AAHE employs an Admissions Officer and Student Support Officers to assist with admissions and enrolment, learning support, as well as personal matters such as housing, health care and finance.

International Students Contact Officer

Name: Thi Huynh Hoa Vo

Phone: 0469339508

Where necessary, our support staff can refer you to other services such as specialist counselling. If an external service charges fees, you will be liable for those fees.

For more information about the many additional services available to students in Australia, visit the Study Australia website.