CYB301 – Computer Forensics
Skills in digital forensics are integral for students who wish to work as forensic investigators. They are also more broadly applicable to any work that involves responding to incidents, particularly if law enforcement may become involved.
In this unit students are introduced to the fundamentals of digital forensics and investigations, which are essential topics for digital law enforcement. The first part of the unit includes: understanding digital forensic principles, ethical and professional requirements and behaviour, fundamentals of investigations, design of an investigator’s laboratory and office, and the handling of experts, witnesses and testimonies. The second part of the unit provides the knowledge and hands-on application of topics such as data acquisition, Windows and CLI systems forensics, Macintosh and Linux Boot Processes and File Systems, Graphics File Recovery, Virtual Machine and Cloud Forensics, Email Forensics and Mobile Forensics.
Learning Outcomes:
- Define and explain digital forensic preparedness to diverse stakeholders
- Formulate plans and procedures to undertake digital forensic investigations
- Assess digital evidence utilising tools and techniques for undertaking forensic investigation whilst adhering to principles of ethical handling of evidence
- Design, prepare and reflect on digital investigation reports for computer crimes